Of course, sweetheart! Everyone is welcome to enjoy Aunt Dottie's shows, if you don't feel like singing along, that is fine by me!
Aunt Dottie, how old are you??
Old enough to know better.
Aunt Dottie, how many husbands HAVE you had?
Always a bride, never a bridesmaid, that's me! Eight. I think. Wait, no, nine. Maybe. I'll have to get back to you on that! Ask me again when I'm writing out all those alimony checks and it is easier for me to remember.
Aunt Dottie, who is that gentleman playing piano for you?
Gentleman is right! That's my nephew, Aaron. Isn't he a doll?? Forget it girls, he's taken. If you're lucky, I'll convince him to sing for everyone! I'm lucky that he lives next door to me, with his lovely wife and sweet baby boy! Also, my neighbor, Mark Rabe has played piano for me, too!
Aunt Dottie, who is that gentleman playing drums for you?
That ain't no gentleman! That's my ex-husband Quinton. We used to have an act together on the cruise ships. I found him in Downtown Renton, beating on a pickle tub and felt sorry for him. Now he lives in our basement. My current husband, Leonard, is NOT too happy about this arrangement.
Aunt Dottie, who was that handsome fellow who played guitar with you at that last Renton Historical Society event?
Handsome is right! That rogue is my ex-husband, Butch Lebouf. We were married. Twice. With a husband in between.
Dear Aunt Dottie, I was wondering what age groups this is for? My daughters are 13 and 14. Love, Mike.
Great question, Mike! I try and keep my shows fun for ALL ages. More power to you if your girls want to come to a show with their dear old Dad! Bring 'em along!
Aunt Dottie, what is your favorite color?
Hot pink! I call it "Aunt Dottie pink".